Tanja Goldblatt & Pihla Lehtinen — Such a Happy Child
Wed-Fri 14-20
Closing weekend 24. - 25.9. 12-18
Larp runs
10.9. / 11.9. / 17.9. / 18.9.
Photo: Tanja Goldblatt & Pihla Viitala
Such a Happy Child is an immersive body horror piece that combines installation and larp. It discusses themes like capitalist individualism, self as a project, fear of otherness and the culture of silence.
You can experience Such a Happy Child as an exhibition or sign up for a run of the larp. The exhibition does not have roleplay-elements.
In the larp you take the roles of a family with a toxic mindset of success. The family gathers to examine the unnerving contents of a small box that was meant to stay hidden.
larp: Pihla Lehtinen
installation: Tonja Goldblatt
sound: Camille Auer
contact: pihlajaisuni@gmail.com (myös suomeksi)
Such a Happy Child is supported by Finnish Cultural Foundation and Arts Promotion Centre Finland.