What is an exhibition plan?

The exhibition plan is free-form. Tips for constructing it:

  • Remember to include answer for all the required questions asked in the Open call announcement.

  • Describe concretely and technically what kind of works would be included in the exhibition.

  • If it is a group work, also state the work role of each member of the work group.

  • Tell us about the thoughts, desires, directions behind the works or the exhibition, what kind of themes you work on or what kind of questions you deal with.

  • In relation to the ceremonies, you can tell what your own relationship or the relation of the exhibition is to the ceremonies. You can describe, for example, what the exhibition or artefact delivers - what is its functionality? What kind of space does the exhibition or work create? What kind of agency does it suggest to its audience, what kind of world does it create?

  • Add in a short biography, i.e. tell us briefly how and what kind of art you make, what is your ethos.