Sini Henttu


5—27 October 2024

Wed—Fri 12 am—6 pm, Sat—Sun12 am—5 pm

Opening on Friday 4 October at 5—8 pm


Under every surface there is material, and every material has a surface. The surface forms a connection to another place. I rub it obsessively, like trying to pierce through it. The invisible layer becomes visible only with my oily fingerprints. I touch the glass as if it were your skin, the surface stays cool regardless of my caress. Apathetic and reluctant expressions reflected on top of your pictures. I position my body towards the door so that if you join me, you’ll see my better side. Electricity hums in my ears as your body collides the surface. Movie marathons and fantasies transport to other spaces. Clammy bed sheets stick to the skin, and opaque horses race in the air. Time passes, yet stays still. A room, a space like a hotel. Monochromatic and pale, clear surfaces and transparent layers. Ghosts from different times, different situations, different emotional states. When the surface breaks, I bandage it with a tape – does not withstand abrasion anymore.

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The skin contains the self and us, and as a surface it simultaneously isolates and contains the possibility for connection1. The exhibition ponders on the experience of alienation in relation to corporeality, touch and the formation of connection, when the connection with oneself and others is in a process of being lost. Indifferent melancholy creeps into everyday life – alienation produces absent bodies.

Thank you

Performer: Minni Välipakka

Sound Design: Pääsky Piikkilä

The exhibition is supported by Kone foundation

Sini Henttu combines installation, video and ready-made art together with art as research in her work. Henttu is currently working on themes of alienation and multimateriality. In her art, she brings the body together with other materials and explores bodily experiences using everyday objects. The center of the works is the body and its affects. As a neurodiverse artist Henttu is curious about how different materials, such as video or a tactile object, affect the body's ways of experiencing, feeling, and being in space. In 2023 Henttu received the Young Artist Grant by the Finnish Art Society, and her work is now supported by Kone Foundation. Henttu's works have been exhibited in, for example, gallery Huuto and Design Museum in Helsinki. She has been part of live art shows as a VJ and a performing video artist for example in contemporary art museum Kiasma and in Zodiak Centre for New Dance.

1 Sara Ahmed, Tunteiden kulttuuripolitiikka (eng. The Cultural Politics of Emotion), 2018, 37